Watch Game of Thrones Opening Recreated in Little Big Planet 3
Added: 17.01.2015 15:14 | 2 views | 0 comments
PlayStation Network users
| PlayStation Network Finally Loses "Heavy Traffic" Status;Goes Back Online After Extended Maintenance
Added: 16.01.2015 3:14 | 6 views | 0 comments
After the Holiday outage the official status of the PSN has been set to "Heavy Network Traffic," and remained that way for almost two weeks, reporting possible latency due to high volume of connections.
Today Sony Computer Entertainment had a maintenance that was initially supposed to last until 1 PM PST, but it was extended. Luckily, it managed to clear the status of the network to all green.
Tags: Gods, Online, PlayStation, Network, Heart, After, Ball, Extended, Today, PlayStation Network, Soul
| The White House Is Now Taking Steps To Fight DDoS Attacks
Added: 15.01.2015 6:11 | 12 views | 0 comments
Kotaku - Last month, attackers took down the PlayStation Network for several days, embarrassing Sony and leaving tons and tons of gamers unable to feed their Destiny addictions for almost a week. This is all thanks to what's called a Distributed Denial of Service attack, where a person or a group of people send an inflated amount of traffic to a network in hopes of overloading and crippling the servers.
DDoS attacks are easy to pull off and extremely difficult to stop, which is why it's kinda nice to see the White House coming out with an Official Stance against them. In fact, President Obama just released a statement saying he's working on legislation to expand federal authority when it comes to fighting this sort of malicious internet behavior.
Tags: Steve, Fight, PlayStation, Official, Network, Last, While, House, Destiny, Kotaku, PlayStation Network, Soul
| PlayStation Network maintenance scheduled for January 15
Added: 14.01.2015 11:49 | 13 views | 0 comments
Some online features to be inaccessible for four hours on Thursday. Sony has scheduled PlayStation Network maintenance for January 15.
| PSN Currently Down for Some Users, Sony Looking Into It
Added: 14.01.2015 3:11 | 6 views | 0 comments
PSLS writes: A number of users on Reddit are complaining that the PlayStation Network is once again down. This has also been confirmed by members of our staff, who also noticed it was offline.
| Ping Of The Week Christmas DDoS Attacks
Added: 09.01.2015 20:10 | 4 views | 0 comments
Jonathan from Me-Time Gamer writes: "If you owned a console or got a brand new one during the holidays, you probably had a hard time getting into the networks, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live that is. If you didnt know yet, these networks got a DDoS attack from a certain group that will remain unnamed because, lets be honest, they dont need more credit than they already have. In laymens terms, a DDos attack is a Distributed Denial of Service which means that it renders a service unavailable."
| PlayStation Store Sneak Peek: January 13th 2015
Added: 09.01.2015 13:14 | 51 views | 0 comments
Here are this upcomming week's PlayStation Network releases for
PS3 Games
Monopoly Deal
Monopoly Plus
PSP Game
Brandish: The Dark Revenant
Vita Games
Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Shake Spears!
Tags: PlayStation, Vita, Daly, Network, Stone, Help, January, Atelier, Ayesha, Atelier Ayesha, Alchemist, Shack, PlayStation Network
| PlayStation Store Sneak Peek: January 13th 2015
Added: 09.01.2015 12:11 | 5 views | 0 comments
Here are this upcomming week's PlayStation Network releases for
PS3 Games
Monopoly Deal
Monopoly Plus
PSP Game
Brandish: The Dark Revenant
Vita Games
Atelier Ayesha Plus: The Alchemist of Dusk
Joe Danger 2: The Movie
Shake Spears!
Tags: PlayStation, Vita, Daly, Network, Stone, Help, January, Atelier, Ayesha, Atelier Ayesha, Alchemist, Shack, PlayStation Network
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